资源名称:Beginning iOS Programming: Building and Deploying iOS Applications 英文PDF

Introduction xix
Chapter 1: Building a Real-World iOS App: Bands 1
Introducing Bands 2
Getting Started 3
Scoping the App 4
Defining the Features 5
Creating a Development Plan 6
Summary 6
Chapter 2: Introduction to Objective-C 9
Exploring the History of Objective-C 9
Explaining the Basics 10
Learning About Objects and Classes 12
Instantiating Objects 16
Managing Memory 22
Introducing Automatic Reference Counting 26
Adding Properties to a Class 27
Explaining Strings 32
Using Basic Data Structures 35
Discussing Advanced Concepts 39
Explaining the Model-View-Controller Design Pattern 39
Learning About Protocols and Delegates 41
Using Blocks 44
Handling Errors 44
Summary 47
Chapter 3: Starting a New App 51
Creating a New App in Xcode 51
Discussing Xcode Templates 54
Learning About Bundle Identifiers 54
Exploring the Xcode Project Layout 55
Discussing the UIKit Framework 56
Discussing the Main Storyboard 56
Adding a Label to a Storyboard 56
Exploring Interface Builder 57
Setting Attributes 58
Exploring the Inspectors 59
Aligning UI Objects 59
Running in the Simulator 59
Choosing a Device 60
Learning to Test on All Device Sizes 61
Learning About Auto Layout 62
Discussing Auto Layout Basics 64
Testing Rotation 64
Exploring Application Settings 66
Setting Version and Build Numbers 66
Setting Supported Rotation Orientations 67
Setting the App Icon 68
Setting Launch Images 70
Running on a Device 71
Summary 72
Chapter 4: Creating a User Input Form 75
Introducing the Band Model Object 75
Creating the Band Model Object 76
Creating Enumerations 77
Adding Properties to the Band Model Object 78
Building an Interactive User Interface 79
Learning About IBOutlet 79


